A (non-comprehensive) list of interesting and relevant climate change, climate policy, and environmental justice stories.

Europe’s Swing to the Right Threatens Global Climate Policy. Many populist, nationalist and far-right parties have attacked environmental, climate and clean energy policies during the campaigns for this week’s EU parliamentary election. (read the full story here)

U.S. Tightens Car Mileage Rules, Part of Strategy to Fight Climate Change. The new measure requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon for all the car models they sell by 2031. (read the full story here)

Ban fossil fuel ads to save climate, says UN chief. The world’s fossil fuel industries should be banned from advertising to help save the world from climate change, the head of the United Nations said on Wednesday. (read the full story here)

As Another Hot Summer Approaches, 80 New York City Neighborhoods Ranked Highly Vulnerable to Heat. 60 to 70 percent of residents in those neighborhoods also reside in communities of color or low-income areas, defined by the city as disproportionately impacted “environmental justice” communities. (read the full story here)

Human-Made Noise Is Harming Ocean Life. Climate Change Could Make it Worse. Noise from shipping and other ocean industries are drowning out the natural sounds of the ocean, and climate change could soon turn up the volume. (read the full story here)

UN Secretary-General Calls for Ban on Fossil Fuel Advertising, Says Next 18 Months Are Critical for Climate Action. In a special address, António Guterres called out fossil fuel industry greenwashing and highlighted a new report showing the world will likely pass the 1.5 degree Celsius warming threshold within five years. (read the full story here)

Mexico elects a climate scientist as president – but will politics temper her green ambition? Incoming president Claudia Sheinbaum will need to break with the fossil fuel-friendly policies of close ally AMLO to drive forward climate action, analysts say. (read the full story here)

US government backs the carbon credit industry’s push to fix itself. The Biden administration throws its weight behind the industry’s attempts to boost integrity in the beleaguered market. (read the full story here)