Resource: Professional Societies
- Center for International Environmental Law
- Clean Air Council
- ClientEarth
- Conservation International
- Conservation Law Foundation
- Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative
- Earth Guardians
- Earthjustice
- Eastern Environmental Law Center
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Environmental Justice Australia
- Environmental Law & Policy Center
- Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide
- Environmental Law Association
- Environmental Law Foundation
- Environmental Law Institute
- Foundation for International Law and Development
- Friend of the Earth
- Global Environment Facility
- Global Witness
- Legal Planet
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
- National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
- Natural Justice
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Ocean Wise
- Oceana
- Plastic Oceans
- Sierra Club - Environmental Law Program
- Southern Environmental Law Center
- The Canadian Environmental Law Association
- The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- The National Environmental Law Center
- The Nature Conservancy
- United Kingdom Environmental Law Association
- Western Environmental Law Center
- World Organization for the Protection of the Environment