Resource: Journals & Magazines
- Journal of Science Communication
- Journal of Science Policy & Governance
- Journal of Sea Research
- Journal of Shellfish Research
- Journal of Ship Production and Design
- Journal of Ship Research
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship
- Journal of The Association of Motion Picture Sound
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
- Journal of the Energy Institute
- Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK
- Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
- Journal of Vegetation Science
- Journal of Virology
- Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering
- Journal of Young Investigators
- Journal of Zoology
- Journalism
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
- Journalism and Media
- Journalism Practice
- Journalism Studies
- Kaleidoscope
- Lake Effect
- Landscape Ecology
- Letters in Applied Microbiology
- Limnologica
- Limnology and Oceanography
- Lithosphere, GeoScienceWorld
- little somethings press
- Little White Lies
- Lucky Jefferson
- Manzano Mountain Review
- Marine and Coastal Fisheries
- Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science
- Marine and Freshwater Research
- Marine Biology
- Marine Biology Research
- Marine Biotechnology
- Marine Chemistry
- Marine Conservation and Sustainability, Frontiers in Marine Science
- Marine Conservation: Science, Policy, and Management
- Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Marine Environmental Research
- Marine Genomics
- Marine Geodesy
- Marine Geology, International Journal of Marine Geology, Geochemistry and Geophysics