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Paul, Eldor A. (2014). Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry. ISBN: 9780124159556.
Pennington, Karriee Lynn (2021). Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues. ISBN: 9781108746847.
Precht, William F. (2019). Coral Reef Restoration Handbook. ISBN: 9780367390839.
Reckless, Robert and Relyea, Rick (2013). Ecology: The Economy of Nature. ISBN: 9781429249959.
Relyea, Rick (2021). Ecology: The Economy of Nature. ISBN: 9781319245542.
Roff, John and Zacharias, Mark (2011). Marine Conservation Ecology (Earthscan Oceans). ISBN: 9781844078837.
Schowalter, Timothy D. (2022). Insect Ecology: An Ecosystem Approach. ISBN: 9780323856737.
Smith, Thomas and Smith, Robert (2014). Elements of Ecology. ISBN: 9780321934185.
Stanford, Jack A. (2013). Groundwater Ecology. ISBN: 9780122821103.
Steiner, Frederick and Forman, Richard T.T. (2016). Human Ecology: How Nature and Culture Shape Our World. ISBN: 9781610917384.
Tallamy, Douglas W. (2021). The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees. ISBN: 9781643260440.
Wehr, John D. et al., Eds. (2013). Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification. ISBN: 9780123858764.
Whitford, Walter G. and Duval, Benjamin D. (2019). Ecology of Desert Systems. ISBN: 9780128150559.