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Begon, Michael and Townsend, Colin R. (2021). Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems. ISBN: 9781119279358.
Beiras, Ricardo (2018). Marine Pollution: Sources, Fate and Effects of Pollutants in Coastal Ecosystems. ISBN: 9780128137369.
Berkes, Fikret (2017). Sacred Ecology. ISBN: 9781138071490.
Bertness, Mark, et al. (2013). Marine Community Ecology and Conservation. ISBN: 9781605352282.
Binkley, Dan (2021). Forest Ecology: An Evidence-Based Approach. ISBN: 9781119703204.
Bond, David (2022). Negative Ecologies: Fossil Fuels and the Discovery of the Environment. ISBN: 9780520386785.
Bortone, Stephan A., Ed. (1999). Seagrasses: Monitoring, Ecology, Physiology, and Management. ISBN: 9780849320453.
Bowman, William D. and Hacker, Sally D. (2020). Ecology. ISBN: 9781605359212.
Boyd, Ian l., et al (2010). Marine Mammal Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. ISBN: 9780199216567.
Carlson, Rachel (1962). Silent Spring. ISBN: 9780395075067.
Chapin III, F. Stuart et al. (2012). Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology. ISBN: 9781441995025.
Chowdhary, Pankaj, et al., Eds. (2022). Microbial Biotechnology: Role in Ecological Sustainability and Research. ISBN: 9781119834458.
Clare, Mary M. and Ferguson, Gary (2021). Full Ecology: Repairing Our Relationship with the Natural World. ISBN: 9781597145183.
Coleman, David C., et al. (2017). Fundamentals of Soil Ecology. ISBN: 9780128052518.
Craft, Christopher (2015). Creating and Restoring Wetlands. ISBN: 9780124072329.
Dame, Richard F. (2011). Ecology of Marine Bivalves: An Ecosystem Approach. ISBN: 9781439839096.
de Bello, Francesco (2021). Handbook of Trait-Based Ecology. ISBN: 9781108460750.
des Plantes, Amélie (2022). Think Like An Ecosystem: An Introduction to Permaculture, Water Systems, Soil Science and Landscape Design. ISBN: 9788985595604.
Dobson, Andrew, et al., Eds. (2020). Unsolved Problems in Ecology. ISBN: 9780691199825.
Dodds, Walter K. and Whiles, Matt R. (2019). Freshwater Ecology: Concepts and Environmental Applications of Limnology. ISBN: 9780128132555.
Duffy, J. Emmett (2021). Ocean Ecology: Marine Life in the Age of Humans. ISBN: 9780691161556.
Dunnivant, Frank M. and Anders, Elliot (2019). Pollutant Fate and Transport in Environmental Multimedia. ISBN: 9781119414650.
Essington, Timothy (2021). Introduction to Quantitative Ecology: Mathematical and Statistical Modelling for Beginners. ISBN: 9780192843487.
Fahad, Shah, et al., Eds. (2022). Climate Change and Ecosystems Challenges to Sustainable Development. ISBN 9781032260686.
Feldhamer, George A. (2020). Mammalogy: Adaptation, Diversity, Ecology. ISBN: 9781421436524.
Foufopoulos, Johannes, et al. (2022). Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation. ISBN: 9780199583515.
Fryxell, John M. (2014). Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management. ISBN: 9781118291078.
Ghazoul, Jaboury (2020). Ecology: A Very Short Introduction. ISBN: 9780198831013.
Gurevitch, Jessica, et all. (2020). The Ecology of Plants. ISBN: 9781605358291.
He Pingguo (2011). Behavior of Marine Fishes: Capture Processes and Conservation Challenges. ISBN: 9780813815367.
Howell, Evelyn A. et al. (2011). Introduction to Restoration Ecology (The Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration Series). ISBN: 9781597261890.
Juniper, Tony (2019). The Ecology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained. ISBN: 9781465479587.
Justus, James (2021). The Philosophy of Ecology. ISBN: 9781107698154.
Kaiser, Michael J., Attrill, Martin J., Jennings, Simon and Thomas David Eds. (2020). Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts. ISBN: 9780198717850.
Karban, Richard, et al. (2014). How to Do Ecology: A Concise Handbook. ISBN: 9780691161761.
Keddy, Paul A. (2010). Wetland Ecology: Principles and Conservation. ISBN: 9780521739672.
Kimmerer, Robin Wall (2020). Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. ISBN: 9781571311771.
Kimmerer, Robin Wall (2022). Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. ISBN: 9781728458991.
Kirchman, David L. and Gasol, Josep, M. (2018). Microbial Ecology of the Oceans. ISBN: 9781119107187.
Kitzes, Justin (2022). Handbook of Quantitative Ecology. ISBN: 9780226818344.
Knox, George A. (2000). The Ecology of Seashores. ISBN: 9780849300080.
Krawczyk, Mark (2022). Coppice Agroforestry: Tending Trees for Product, Profit, and Woodland Ecology. ISBN: 9780865719705.
Krohne, David T. (2017). Ecology: Evolution, Application, Integration. ISBN: 9780190638887.
Lack, Andrew (2022). Plant Ecology and Conservation. ISBN 9780815344605.
Lawrence, John M. (2020). Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology. ISBN: 9780128195703.
Lindberg, Curt and Hagen, Eric (2022). Our Better Nature: Hopeful Excursions in Saving Biodiversity. ISBN: 9788985531503.
Mickey, Sam (2020). ntegrating Ecology and Justice in a Changing Climate. ISBN: 9781949643596.
Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn (2021). Extraction Ecologies and the Literature of the Long Exhaustion. ISBN: 9780691205533.
Molles, Manuel and Sher, Anna (2018). Ecology: Concepts and Application. ISBN: 9781260085150.
Morton, Timothy (2018). Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (The Wellek Library Lectures). ISBN: 9780231177535.