Featured Connection: Science Journalism
Making the Complex Understandable The rapidly changing scientific, medical and technical landscape requires the skills of a special type of journalist who can both understand and explain these changes to the general population. Science journalists take complicated...
Celebrate and Remember
Indigenous People’s Day honors the past, present, and future of Native peoples throughout the US. The holiday recognizes the legacy and impact of colonialism on Native communities, and it also celebrates the cultures, contributions, and resilience of contemporary...
Map of Environmental University Courses
ClimaTalk, a youth-led non-profit organization, has developed a university courses map with close to 400 environmental undergraduate and postgraduate courses from all around the world to help young people find the perfect course. ClimaTalk is based in Europe, so right...
The Week in Climate Change News
A (non-comprehensive and quite random) list of climate change, climate policy and environmental justice stories from the past week. Prioritizing Justice in New York State Climate Policy: Aiming for Cleaner Air in Disadvantaged Communities. The outcome of...
EPA Rolls Out Training Grants For Environmental Justice Communities
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has selected 16 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTACs) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy that will receive $177 million to help underserved and overburdened...
Featured Connection: Chemical Oceanography
Ocean Acidification and Climate Change Chemical oceanography is considered a niche area within the broader field of oceanography. Along with biological, physical, and geographical oceanography, it is one of the four main oceanographic areas. It is said that chemical...
Is Your Drinking Water Safe?
A new study released today found that the increasing frequency of droughts, heatwaves, storms, and floods is threatening the availability of water and its quality across the world. Researchers from Utrecht University in the Netherlands analyzed 965 cases of river...
The Father of Environmental Justice Reflects on the Movement He Started
Four decades into his activism, Dr. Robert Bullard looks back on his legacy and the work ahead:
The Path to Limiting Global Warming to 1.5 °C has Narrowed, but Clean Energy Growth is Keeping it Open
The update of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) landmark Net Zero Roadmap shows greater ambition and implementation, supported by stronger international cooperation, will be critical to reaching climate goals. According to the IEA: Driving greenhouse gas...
The Week in Climate Change News
A (non-comprehensive and quite random) list of climate change, climate policy and environmental justice stories from the past week. Climate change: Six young people take 32 countries to court. They accuse the countries of insufficient action over climate change and...
Featured Connection: Marine Engineering
Making Ships Go Marine Engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the design, construction, operation, development, production, and maintenance of the marine equipment that forms a part of seagoing vessels, harbor installations, and docks. While naval...
How Unjust Is Your Environment?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Environmental Justice Index (EJI) ranks communities across the US according to environmental health risk. EJI is the first national geospatial tool to measure the cumulative impacts of social and environmental factors,...