Featured Connection: Fisheries Science

Featured Connection: Fisheries Science

Finding Ways to Feed the World in a Sustainable Manner Fisheries play an essential role in the sustainability and health of our planet by providing much-needed food as well as other important services. Globally, fisheries feed billions of people and offer jobs and...
Featured Connection: Physical Oceanography

Featured Connection: Physical Oceanography

The Key to Understanding Climate Change Physical oceanography – one of the four main branches of oceanography – involves studying the properties (such as temperature and density) and movement (such as waves, currents, and tides) of ocean water. It also involves...
EV’s Impacts on Environmental Justice

EV’s Impacts on Environmental Justice

From a recent paper by Lisa Benjamin from Lewis & Clark Law School in the Harvard Environmental Law Review (volume 47, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2023): Electric vehicles (EVs) are everywhere. And they are cool – consumers love them. But EVs have justice...
Featured Connection: Photojournalism

Featured Connection: Photojournalism

The Image as News Photojournalism is a form of journalism that uses images instead of words to tell a news story. Photographic images can reveal great truths, expose wrongdoing and neglect, and inspire hope and understanding through the language of visual...
It’s International Polar Bear Day

It’s International Polar Bear Day

As reported on the WWF website: Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are the poster child for the impacts of climate change on species, and justifiably so. To date, global warming has been most pronounced in the Arctic, and this trend is projected to continue. There are...