A Treasure Trove of Information

A Treasure Trove of Information

We like to think that everything we offer on Ocean Connect is a fantastic resource that will help you make your unique connection to the ocean but based on the feedback we have been receiving, our database of professional societies, organizations, and institutes is...
Featured Connection: Environmental Justice

Featured Connection: Environmental Justice

Communities populated primarily by ethnic minorities and economically disadvantaged people have long been burdened with a disproportionate number of environmental hazards such as garbage dumps, toxic waste facilitates, scrap yards, factories, and other sources of...
Nine Million New Ocean Connections

Nine Million New Ocean Connections

According to a study conducted by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, over the next decade, nine million new clean jobs will be created as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. We look at it like that’s...
Discovering Your Opportunity

Discovering Your Opportunity

How does an internship at a prestigious university sound? What about a research fellowship at NASA, NOAA, or the National Institutes of Health?  Not only will these programs look great on your college application, but they will also give you a huge jump on...
Featured Connection: Underwater Photography

Featured Connection: Underwater Photography

No doubt, underwater photography is an exhilarating and fun experience. When most people think of underwater photographers, they picture someone in full scuba gear treading water in the ocean’s depths (usually among sharks or the wreckage of a ship). And while this is...